

English Presentation Contest


The main theme of this contest aims at elevating the international competitiveness of civil engineers in Taiwan. The contest broadens the vision of practitioners, encourages presenting professional articles at international conferences. Participants will take advantage of unique experience learning from their peers.

The Content of the Contest

From analytical research to real world case study, a proposed presentation outline is required to submit prior to the presentation contest. The maximum length of the outline shall not exceed 2 pages A4 size paper. The official language of this contest is English.

Contest Grouping

    1. Undergraduate Level (including junior college and university students majoring in civil, construction and hydraulic engineering)

    2. Graduate Level (including master and Ph.D. candidates)

Contest Details

  1. A presentation outline from each contestant will need to be received before the deadline.

  2. Venue

      • Undergraduate Level:June 13th 2009 at the Minghsin University of Science and Technology

      • Graduate Level:June 13th 2009 at the National Chengong University


Registration Deadline

May 30th 2009 for all Levels. Please submit presentation outline along with vita and personal references not to exceed 3 pages A4 size paper.

Contest Schedule

  • Presentation: 10 minutes

  • Question and Answer: 5 minutes


The contest will emphasize on technical English and its related oral presentation skills. It will not focus on the technical content of the presentation.


The winners of each group will collect a winning certificate along with a cash prize at the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineers (CICHE) banquet. Meanwhile, the winners of the Undergraduate and Graduate Levels will become representatives of CICHE to various international functions.

    • Undergraduate Level: $5,000 NT, for the first Price Winner; $3,000 NT, for the second Price Winner; $1,000 NT, for the third Place Winner; The fourth and fifth winner will be granted a winning certificate, respectively.

    • Graduate Level: same as the above.


    • The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineers

    • The Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Ltd.