2010 ASCE CYM Employer Recognition Nomination
2010 ASCE CYM Employer Recognition Nomination
For Exemplary Support of Young Engineer Involvement in ASCE Activities
Introduction: Young engineer enthusiasm, meaningful involvement, and growth are the keys to ASCE's future. As a means of fostering individual Younger Member participation in Society activities, the ASCE Committee on Younger Members (CYM) has developed a program to help Sections and Branches recognize those employers who encourage their Young engineers to get involved in ASCE activities. Special recognition will go to those organizations that exhibit exemplary support evidenced by efforts such as:
· Providing a model for involvement through company‑wide participation in local, regional and national ASCE activities
· Encouraging and supporting Younger Members to attend ASCE meetings and seminars
· Encouraging Younger Members to prepare articles for publication in ASCE professional and technical journals
· Assisting in the payment of local and national dues
The program will operate as follows:
1. CYM will review nominations at its Fall meeting and select organizations for recognition. Additional credit will not be awarded for packages in addition to the provided form.
2. Incomplete nomination forms will be disqualified.
3. For those organizations selected, CYM will:
a. Publish a list of winning organizations in the Younger Member Newsletter
b. Submit a list of winning organizations for publication in Civil Engineering magazine or ASCE News.
c. Encourage Sections/Branches to provide winning organizations with local recognition
d. Notify nominators of winning organizations.
e. Send a certificate to the Section or Branch President for local presentation.
4. CYM will award a Superior Employer Recognition Award to a one public entity nominee and one private entity nominee that showed exemplary support of Young Engineers in their organizations during the 2009 calendar year. This award was created to recognize admired employers who acknowledge that young engineers are today’s leaders in the profession and set goals for their personal development.
5. Your organization may be nominated for the award each year. If your organization is a previous winner of the award, the following year’s nominator must be a different Younger Member in the firm. The nominator must be an ASCE Affiliate Member, Associate Member, or Member in good standing.
6. Separate nomination forms are to be submitted for individual office locations of an organization with multiple offices.