Meet the Speakers
Albert T. Yeung
Associate Professor
Phone: +886-2-2833-9999 ext. 35599
Nigel Schofield is currently a Project Advisor to an international Engineering, Procurement and Construction Company, based in Taiwan. Nigel has over 25 years experience in Civil Engineering, Project Management and Quality Management on Rail, Civil Engineering Design and Construction Projects. Projects have involved major international rail, transportation, building and petrochemical, works, including the Taiwan High Speed Rail Project, the West Coast Line Milton Keynes/Bletchley Remodeling Scheme in the UK and the North East Line MRT project in Singapore.
In developing a particular portfolio of international projects, Nigel has recognized the importance of Internationalization in Civil Engineering, where major projects are realized in many countries using skills, professionalism and expertise from around the world, while bringing opportunities for Civil Engineers to travel and learn new skills, in particular language and communication. Nigel is also representative for the UK Institution of civil Engineers in Taiwan, and is currently working on combining Civil Engineering professionalism and project management skills for technical and Client focus to projects.
As a Civil Engineer, Engr. Leoncio served in various capacities as estimator, control engineer, systems engineer, construction manager and vice president for operations in several construction and real estate development companies and management firms. He taught Construction Management and Construction Contracts and Specifications at the University of the East and Production Management at the College of the Holy Spirit and is presently a faculty member of the School of Engineering at the Manuel L. Quezon University in Manila.
Engr. Leoncio also served as the first Executive Director of the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board of the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines, during which time he organized several provincial contractors associations around the country thru which he extended the application and renewal of licenses in the provinces. Engr. Leoncio also worked as a consultant for the International Labour Organization in the training of local contractors for the Department of Public Works and Highways.
He served as National Secretary, Chairman of the Electoral College and was the first International Activities Chairman of the Philippine Institute if Civil Engineers during which time he worked out the hosting of the First Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region (CECAR-1) in 1998 with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) as co-sponsors. And was cited for his outstanding contribution as Chairman of the Program Committee. This later led to the creation of the Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council (ACECC) which sponsors the holding of the triennial Civil Engineering Conference in the Asia Region (CECAR)
Engr. Leoncio was the Convener, Organizer, Past-President and currently the Executive Director of the ASCE - Philippines International Group. He was also elected as the first non-American seating member of the ASCE Membership Committee and was appointed corresponding member of the International Activities Committee.
In October 2006, Engr. Leoncio was elected Vice Chairman of the ASCE Region 10 Board of Governors, which represented then 12 international sections and 17 international groups of ASCE. Thereafter, he was elected Region 10 Director and is now serving as a member of the 17-man Board of Direction beginning November 2007 for a term of 3 years. He is also the concurrent Society International Director responsible for establishing rapport with ASCE’s Agreement of Cooperation Societies. As Region 10 Director, he initiated the formation of the Region 10 Assembly (composed of the presidents of the various sections and groups) and the Sister-Section Program, which brings together ASCE domestic sections and the international sections/groups in a partnership mode. He also formed the Region 10 Advisory Committee composed of all the past Society International Directors. For his “accomplishments, contributions and leadership in Region 10”, Engr. Leoncio was selected to received the 2009 ASCE President’s Medal from President D. Wayne Klotz, P.E., D.WRE, F.ASCE.
Presently, Engr. Leoncio is active in construction arbitration as a registered Construction Arbitrator with the Construction Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC) and is a Director of the Philippine Institute of Construction Arbitrators and Mediators (PICAM).
He is also active in the areas of Organization Development (OD) and Process Consultancy (PC) with a special focus on the construction industry. As an OD-PC consultant, Engr. Leoncio has developed a powerful seminar-course on Global Leadership with emphasis on mind development in six (6) stages; i.e.. Mindworks, Mindset, Optimind, Maximind, Mastermind and Ultramind.
And to set the mode for peer involvement, mentoring and development in Region 10, Engineer “Junn” Leoncio has adopted the Theme: “Honoring the Past, Challenging the Present and Inspiring the Future”..generations of civil engineers…
Nigel B. Schofield
ICE Representative Taipei
Phone: +63.920.6263542
Engr. Leoncio graduated from the University of Santo Tomas in Manila with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and is a registered Civil Engineer under the Professional Regulations Commission. He is the Principal of P. A. Leoncio, Jr. & Associates- Engineers, Construction Managers and Consultants on construction processes and organization development.
Ir Dr. Albert T. Yeung is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering of The University of Hong Kong. Dr. Yeung received his BSc(Eng) in civil engineering from The University of Hong Kong with his name placed in the first class honors list. Upon graduation, he worked for Binnie & Partners International, a well known international engineering consulting firm, for two years. In 1984, he received a Rotary Foundation International Scholarship to pursue his graduate study at the University of California, Berkeley, where he received his MS and PhD degrees under the supervision of Professor James K. Mitchell. He is now a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers of the United Kingdom, a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. He is a Registered Professional Engineer of Hong Kong in civil, environmental and geotechnical disciplines, a Chartered Engineer of the United Kingdom, and a Registered Professional Engineer of Texas.
Before his return to Hong Kong in 1998, he served on the civil engineering faculty of Northeastern University and Texas A&M University in the U.S. for a total of more than seven years. He was also a Research Assistant Engineer of Texas Transportation Institute for 8 years. After his return to Hong Kong in 1998, he was Chief Engineer of Binnie Black & Veatch Hong Kong Limited and Assistant Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government before his return to academia in 2003.
He is currently a Governor of ASCE Region 10 (International Region), a member of the Editorial Board of Geomechanics and Geoengineering, and a member of the membership subcommittee of the Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council. He is also serving on the Civil Discipline Advisory Panel, the Professional Assessment Committee, and the Education and Examinations Committee of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Moreover, he is serving the Board of Governors and the Committee of Parents of the English Schools Foundation. He is an elected member of the Court, the Council, and the Senate of The University of Hong Kong.
His notable awards include the 1st Prize of Civil Engineering Papers of the Year Award 2008, the Peter H.K. Chan Award 2001 for the Best Environmental Paper, Kumagai Prize 1994, and the 3rd Prize of Environmental Best Paper Award 1994 of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers; the Samuel Arnold Greeley Award 1999, and the Arthur Casagrande Professional Development Award 1996 of ASCE; Dow Outstanding New Faculty Award 1994 of the American Society for Engineering Education; Texas Engineering Experiment Station Select Young Faculty Award 1993; among many others.
楊德忠博士、工程師現任香港大學 土木工程系副教授,並曾任港大土木工程及法律雙學士學位首位課程主任。他擁有超過二十年土木工程、土力工程及環境工程教學、研究及實際工作經驗,並在香 港、英國及美國取得專業資格。楊博士以一等榮譽工學士學位畢業於香港大學,後赴美國深造,在柏克萊加州大學取得碩士及博士學位。並曾在兩所美國大學任教, 在工程教育、研究及技術改良方面貢獻良多,並曾多次獲獎,計有美國土木工程師學會 (ASCE) 的Samuel Arnold Greeley Award 1999; Arthur Casagrande Professional Development Award 1996; Texas Section Civil Engineering Paper Awards (Materials 1996, Environmental 1997, Geotechnical 1997); 香港工程師學會的1st Prize of the Civil Engineering Papers of the Year Award 2008; Peter H.K. Chan Award 2001; Kumagai Prize 1994; 3rd Prize of Environmental Best Paper Award 1994; the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Prize 1980; 美國工程教育學會 (American Society for Engineering Education) 的 Dow Outstanding New Faculty Award 1994; Texas Engineering Experiment Station 的 Select Young Faculty Award 1993 等等。
楊 博士曾任香港特別行政區政府財經事務及庫務局助理秘書長及博威工程顧問公司總工程師,曾參與的大型工程項目有天水圍地基糾正工程、新界西北堆填區及醉酒灣 堆填區修復工程、將軍澳堆填區修復工程、南丫島二十二公頃大型填海、九廣鐵路東鐵沿線斜坡改善工程等等。楊博士現任公職包括香港大學校董會成員,英基學校 協會管理局成員,美國土木工程師學會第十區(國際區)理事,香港工程師學會土木分部顧問委員成員等。
Potenciano A. Leoncio, Jr.
BSCE,, M.ASCE, M.PICE, Reg. Const Arbitrator, M.PICAM
Faculty, School of Engineering
Project Services Division, HBO,
CTCI Corporation,
No. 89 Zhongshan North Rd, Sec.6
Taipei 11155
Manuel L. Quezon University
Manila, Philippines
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Phone: +852-28598018
Fax: +852-25595337